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Imagine having your mind and thoughts read

Imagine witnessing the ability to predict the future

Imagine seeing what telepathy, mental influence and direct mind reading looks like

Imagine if all this was really possible and at the same time leaving you astonished, intrigued, baffled and entertained…

Jason will prove it is possible



Mind Reading – is it really possible?

Well Jason will certainly turn the sceptics into believers!

Jason’s unique and speciality mind reading show is in popular demand not only throughout Wales but of the UK. His ability to captivate an audience will leave you amazed, spellbound and simply wanting more. As an award winning cabaret/stage and stand up entertainer, Jason has designed this show to not only leave you astonished, intrigued and baffled but most importantly to be left totally entertained.


Jason’s mind reading show is not a serious show but in fact very light hearted and fun. Yet at the same time very interesting, baffling and interactive with lots of audience participation and engagment. Jason’s mind reading show is a 90 minute show which can be shortened accordingly.


Within this time you will not only witness Jason’s ability to both influence and read your mind, but you and your guests will be involved in various mind reading feats. For example mental influence, telepathy, Extra Sensory Perception, predictions, Jason's ability to tell if a person is telling the truth and of course direct contact mind reading.



Throughout the show everyone will have a constant feeling of excitement and know that at any given time Jason could ask them to assist him. Jason has performed the show for a private party of 15 people, an after dinner slot for 100 people and performed the same show for an audience of 300 people. It doesn’t matter where the venue or how many people are at your event, Jason will still leave everyone mesmerized.

Jason uses a lot of macro effects during his performance specifically designed by him to captivate, engage and involve as much of the audience as possible.


“It cant be, he could not have picked this name up!”

“This guys got powers - he’s like Gandolf”

Whilst entertaining at a wedding, Jason read the mind of the best man… A wedding guest was filming and this is what happened (video below).

"OMG that’s witchcraft!"

Jason very often mixes his mind reading and close up magic when entertaining at Weddings, dinners, parties etc - they compliment each other really well.

If you are looking for something that little bit special and unique at your event, then this is it. Jason can tailor his effects to your requirements.